Bonjour !
Je suis artby_lys_ mais vous pouvez tout aussi bien vous référer à moi par LYS
Mon univers va peut-être vous sembler un peu naïf et bon enfant, mais je ne m’en cache pas, j’aime élaborer des esthétiques douces avec un grain de fantaisie qui donne le sourire ! Passionnée depuis mon jeune âge par les animations japonaises, l’univers des Ghibli et le monde fantastique d’Alice au pays des merveilles, ma pratique artistique se rapproche aujourd’hui du style manga. Je me plais à développer cette pratique en proposant des illustrations, originales et digitales, de franchise que j’apprécie tout comme mes personnages originaux.😉

Mon travail est valorisé par le fait main, notamment au travers des stickers que je propose. En effet, il représente une majeure partie de mon travail, mais aussi celle que je préfère explorer. J’apprécie de donner un certain détail à chacun des stickers afin d’en proposer plusieurs séries uniques, parmi elles, je note les « Genshin Boba » ; un mixte entre les personnages de Genshin Impact transformés en Bubble Tea ! J’espère vous faire voyager dans un monde doux et coloré.

ENG : “Hello!
I am artby_lys_ but you can also refer to me by LYS 🙂 My universe may seem a little naive and good-natured, but I do not hide it, I like to develop soft aesthetics with a grain of fantasy that gives a smile! Passionate since my youth by Japanese animations, the universe of Ghibli and the fantastic world of Alice in Wonderland, my artistic practice is now closer to the manga style. I like to develop this practice by offering original and digital illustrations that I appreciate just like my original characters.😉My work is valued by handmade, especially through the stickers I offer. Indeed, it represents a major part of my work, but also the one I prefer to explore. I like to give a certain detail to each of the stickers to propose several unique series, among them, I note the «Genshin Boba»; a mix between the characters of Genshin Impact transformed into Bubble Tea! I hope to make you travel in a soft and colorful world. ✨"
I am artby_lys_ but you can also refer to me by LYS 🙂 My universe may seem a little naive and good-natured, but I do not hide it, I like to develop soft aesthetics with a grain of fantasy that gives a smile! Passionate since my youth by Japanese animations, the universe of Ghibli and the fantastic world of Alice in Wonderland, my artistic practice is now closer to the manga style. I like to develop this practice by offering original and digital illustrations that I appreciate just like my original characters.😉My work is valued by handmade, especially through the stickers I offer. Indeed, it represents a major part of my work, but also the one I prefer to explore. I like to give a certain detail to each of the stickers to propose several unique series, among them, I note the «Genshin Boba»; a mix between the characters of Genshin Impact transformed into Bubble Tea! I hope to make you travel in a soft and colorful world. ✨"